The Platform 2: A Disappointing Sequel

CANADA NEWS – The highly anticipated sequel to the 2020 dystopian thriller “The Platform” has arrived on Netflix. However, “The Platform 2” fails to live up to the chilling brilliance of its predecessor. While the original film captivated audiences with its brutal social commentary and innovative vertical prison setting, the sequel struggles to offer anything fresh.

The core concept of “The Platform” remains: a mysterious vertical prison where residents on higher levels receive a luxurious feast that dwindles to scraps by the time it reaches the lower floors. “The Platform 2” introduces a new protagonist, Perempuan, but the narrative largely retreads familiar territory. Perempuan navigates the brutal hierarchy and attempts to leave a message of hope for those below.

While the original film expertly used the confined space to explore themes of class warfare and resource scarcity, “The Platform 2” feels visually bland. Close-ups dominate the film, losing the captivating claustrophobia that fueled the first movie. The sludge-colored environment fails to add depth or tension.

The introduction of a new group of enforcers, known as the Loyalists, adds another layer of mystery. However, their motivations remain unclear throughout the film. It’s unclear whether they are simply following orders from a higher power or driven by their own twisted sense of justice.

Perempuan, the protagonist of “The Platform 2,” lacks the charisma and complexity of Goreng, the central character in the first film. Her journey feels monotonous, failing to generate much sympathy or intrigue. The film needed a stronger lead to carry the weight of its social commentary.

The ending of “The Platform 2” is both predictable and unsatisfying. It lacks the impactful twist that propelled the first film into cult status. Instead, it feels like a forced attempt to tie up loose ends.

“The Platform 2” fails to capture the spark of its predecessor. The film repeats the core ideas without offering any significant innovation. With a weaker protagonist, a blander visual style, and a predictable conclusion, this sequel feels like a missed opportunity. The original “The Platform” remains a powerful piece of social commentary. While “The Platform 2” doesn’t match its brilliance, it serves as a reminder of the original’s effectiveness.

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